Whole30 2014 - Day 31 & Summary

The Whole30 is completed, and it's always nice to look back and evaluate what the experience was like.

For us the biggest difference was that it didn't impact us as much as the first time, but I honestly think it's because we were already living a life-style that was very close to the Whole30. For example, our breakfasts didn't change much, if at all, and also our other meals were very compliant already.

Except for the white potato here and there, the alcohol, whey protein & dark chocolate, I would guesstimate that we were pretty much in the 90% zone most of the time.

However, it was a positive experience. I didn't lose weight (but that wasn't the plan anyway) and the hardest thing was actually to eat enough, so I wouldn't lose too much muscle mass. Must say, that having a protein shake will be a lot easier and chewing down egg-whites every day.

The 10 days of re-introduction might be helpful to some, but we don't intend to re-introduce legumes (except peanut butter) grains (gluten) or dairy anytime soon.

I did enjoy some dark chocolate today & a glass of red wine, but that was about it. For some reason, I didn't feel like eating anything different, as if my interest in certain foods has disappeared.

The routine of eating Whole30 can turn into a Whole9 Life, where you CAN enjoy the best of both worlds, but simply making smarter choices. In It Starts With Food, there is a great line that stuck with me since the last Whole30: Don't indulge in something less healthy just because it's around.
Decide if it's worth it to you & if it's special enough or if it's just a casual choice out of boredom or a craving?

It it's worth it, it's a treat, not a cheat :-)

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