Whole30 2014 - Day 7

A full week is completed! A week with not too many problems to report, although looking back I have to admit my moods might be a little be affected by the Whole30. Bit of a "blah" feeling every now and then, hopefully that will get better in week 2.

Today started with an egg scramble with onions & jalapenos, a side of sausage, spinach, avocado & orange. Tasty stuff.

Lunch was another chili con carne, with Brussels sprouts, broccoli & parsnips.

Pre-workout a boiled egg and a bit of macadamia butter.
Post-workout some sweet potato and egg-whites.

Dinner wasn't very special; steak with kale (topped with ghee) and some sweet potato & Brussels sprouts.

After dinner, I was still a bit hungry, so had a boiled egg with some almond butter.

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