Whole30 2014 - Day 6

For some reason it feels like time is moving fast, which is a good thing, but perhaps it's because the Whole30 feel a bit more effortless as well. Compared to last year, day 6 then was also not too bad, although finding a restaurant that day for dinner was quite problematic :-)

We kicked off with another egg/spinach breakfast, on top of bacon and a side of orange & avocado. Got hungry earlier than yesterday, but stil had meal 2 at around 1 pm: parsnips, broccoli and chili con carne. And forgot to take a photo :-(

Pre-workout, a boiled egg and about 10 grams of gelatin set in a bit of pomegranate juice. Not as a candy, but I'm testing with the effects of taking gelatin as a supplement.

Post-workout some egg-whites with sweet potato.

For dinner, it was a delicious and spicy stir-fry of veggies and a tuna steak, topped with some cashews and sesame seeds.

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