Google+ Cave Food Kitchen: Whole30 2014 - Day 5

Whole30 2014 - Day 5

Day 5 has arrived and it's the first day of work again after the holidays. Unfortunately my SO got sick over the weekend and had to stay home today, so I was making breakfast for 1: 3 eggs in spinach, bacon, avocado, some sweet potato & 1/2 an orange. A large breakfast, because I ride my bike to work (10k each way)

The sick people breakfast was eggwhites scrambled with Ella's Kitchen puree, coconut milk & chips and
some fruit.

Meal 2 was quite late, at 1PM (meal 1 was at 6.45) but wasn't hungry until then. Same as Saturday night dinner: chili con carne & steamed green beans.

Pre-workout snack were some almonds, boiled egg and coconut chips.

Post-workout was an egg-white scramble with sweet potato.

For dinner, I used this recipe to make Mexican meatballs, altered it a bit to make it more spicy. They came out delicious! Baked parsnips at the same time and steamed some broccoli.

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