Whole30 2014 - Day 29

The last 2 days of the Whole30 have begun, and it's always a mixed emotion. Part of me is happy to enjoy the things I was missing, but part of me is also having trouble with parting from the regulated life during this month.

What makes the Whole30 "easy" in a way, are the clear rules. You know what you can/can't have, and the result is that you feel & look better, and there's something very comforting in knowing that whatever you put in your mouth, is guilt-free. After the 30 days, it's almost like being released from re-hab, feeling somewhat uncomfortable in the free world, where old habits could temp you at any moment. It's important to make a plan from what you'd like to bring back in first.

Today got started with a shrimp-egg scramble, with kale, strawberries, blueberries & nuts.

Post-workout I had a banana, then afterwards the next meal was the left-over shrimp fried rice with some cashews and almond butter.

Strammer Max
Dinner was out, at Ron Gastrobar, where you order several small dishes. I started with a selection of dry sausage and pate, then ordered the Wagyu burger (but asked to leave the bun out) and the last dish was the Strammer Max, and I left the bread crust behind.

Dried sausage

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