This might be a bit too soon, but I've been thinking about a re-introduction plan already a bit. The last time, things got seriously
out of hand, and even though I have a bit of an idea what caused the biggest issue, it did ruin the entire re-introduction strategy. Also in the shorter Whole30 plans I did afterwards (
19 days and
10 days) the follow-up wasn't the best planned event.
So, to prepare for a proper re-introduction this time, I'm planning to re-enter protein supplements and alcohol first, and will refrain from all the other off-limits foods, like dairy & gluten. I just really want to find out if I react to whey protein (and if so, how)
Today marks day 16, and we started with eggs, bacon, spinach, apple and a few nuts.
Had an appoint at the hospital to check my
broken collarbone recovery and decided to go straight to the gym after that, so no pre-workout snack.
Post workout I had a banana, and upon coming home I had the left-over fish cakes, sweet potato & broccoli for the next meal.
Got a bit hungry in the afternoon, so had a boiled egg and some slices of salami.
Dinner was a delicious chicken curry, served over steamed green beans.
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