Whole30 2014 - Day 14

We're 2 weeks in today, but officially not half-way just yet. Looking back at the first whole30, things are easier than last time. This is most likely because throughout 2013 we've kept our diet as clean as possible, and have been eating far less dairy for example. Let's see how we go in the next 2 weeks!
The emotional issues aren't as bad, nor are the physical symptoms.

Made a scramble for breakfast with sausage & spinach and added sides of apple, mandarin, avocado.

The second meal was left-overs from last nights dinner, the shrimp fried rice and added a bit of almond butter on top.

Pre-workout some coconut chips and a boiled egg, afterwards 1/2 cup of egg-whites with pomegranate seeds.

Dinner was fish cakes with sweet potato and steamed broccoli, and a salad on the side.

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