Whole30 2014 - Day 13

This is the part I'd call "the Void", the part when things are going as they should, you know what to eat, you have a routine down & perhaps even tried a few new recipes.
Day 30 is still too far away to even think about.
Ok, enough of that, let's move on! Day 13 had arrived.

Starting the morning with an egg scramble again, added in some spicy sausage & spinach. A side of apple and a few nuts completed the meal nicely and topped it with a tsp of MCT Oil.

Second meal was the same as yesterday, cinnamon beef & steamed broccoli.

Pre-workout a boiled egg and some coconut chips.

The last meal of the day was Shrimp Fried "Rice", this is also a great meal to make in large portions and take for lunch the next day!

After dinner we had a date again for a sweet finish, but we decided to not do that anymore to keep the sugar dragon away.

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