Macadamia Mayonnaise

I hardly ever by mayonnaise in the store anymore, since pretty much all of it has nasty ingredients that don't belong in mayonnaise. Let's have a look at a label:

USA mayonnaise

Dutch mayonnaise

The main difference between mayonnaise from the USA and Europe, is that most mayonnaise in Europe is made with sunflower oil or vegetable oil (in this case rapeseed oil)

But what about REAL mayonnaise? Well, it's super easy to make and this way you control what goes in it.
Normally I make mayonnaise with (light) olive oil, but this time I wanted to try macadamia oil.

1 cup of macadamia oil
2 egg yolks
1 tbsp coconut vinegar or lemon juice
black pepper to taste
salt to taste

First, mix the yolk with a hand mixer for about 30 seconds. Next, with the mixer running, pour a thin stream of oil into the bowl continuously until it forms an emulsion. When the oil is finished, mix in the pepper, salt and coconut vinegar to taste. Refrigerate. This mayonnaise will be good for up to 10 days.

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