Ginger Sprouts

Super nutritious!
You may have noticed that I often post recipes with sprouts. After my childhood traumas, these green
nutrient-packed mini cabbages are now a house-hold favorite.

Usually I roast or steam them, but it was time for something different.

You need:

500 grams of Brussels sprouts
1 big onion
1 tsp marjoram
salt & pepper
2 tbsp ginger cordial or syrup
1 apple
coconut oil

Wash and stem the sprouts, and slice them (if you own a mandolin, you're lucky)
Slice & cook the onion in oil until translucent, add in salt, pepper, marjoram & 1 tbsp of ginger syrup. Let it simmer for about 10 mins.

Next, add in the sprouts and stir-fry them on higher heat for about 10 mins. Add a 2nd tbsp of ginger syrup.
Slice the apple in small matchsticks and sprinkle some on top of the sprouts.

Served with walnut & raisin stuffed chicken

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