Google+ Cave Food Kitchen: The Chapul Cricket Bar

The Chapul Cricket Bar

Insects are eaten in a lot of countries around the world, although for some reason it's considered taboo in here.
others. Funny enough, what a lot of people don't know, is that insects can appear in our regular foods like chocolate, spices and even frozen broccoli. More on that

Anyway, insects are actually quite nutritious, and a lot of species contain protein and fatty acids that are useful for the human body.
A few moths ago, a company brought insects under the attention again, setting up a crowd-funding program to finance their start up making protein bars with cricket flour. But they weren't the first ones.

Chapul  released their Chapul Bars in 2012 and currently have 3 flavors in their assortment:
And of course we couldn't wait to try them!

Chaco Bar

Chaco Bar
The only non-paleo bar, since it contains peanuts and oats. That didn't discourage us however. The bar resembles a lot like a Lara bar of example, the dates being the main ingredient to hold it together.
Nice peanut cocoa taste, really good!

Thai Bar

Thai Bar
A nice blend of cashews, coconut lime & ginger. The aroma of the bar is delicious, and the taste nice and fresh.

Aztec Bar
This is an interesting one, containing espresso beans, cocoa & cayenne pepper. In case you didn't know, excellent combination! The bar is dense & dark, with the bold flavors coming out and a nice spicy aftertaste. Our favorite!
pepper and chocolate are an
Aztec Bar

Our verdict?
This is definitely a very tasty way to eat bugs, so we can imagine this taking off in the future!
Buy the Chapul bars online or find a store near you.

Upgrade yourself!

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