Spinach Sausage Casserole

The word casserole originally comes from the Old French word "casse" meaning ladle or saucepan. There are endless variations in almost every culture, for example the Greek moussaka, a sheperd's pie or a tajine.

A casserole is a great wat to use up left-overs and prep beforehand. Divide it up in portions and you're set for the week! This time, I wanted to include beef sausages and spinach.

For a big dish, serving about 5-6 people, you need:

6 beef sausages
3 eggs, whisked
2 green chillies
1/2 lb of fresh spinach
1 lb of mixed frozen vegetables (I used carrot, cauliflower & broccoli)
2 onions, chopped
2 tomatoes, chopped
1 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp garlic powder
salt & pepper

Note: If you are using frozen vegetables, it's best to defrost them a bit beforehand.

- Heat the oven to 180C (350F)
- Cook the sausages separately in a pan, until they are about cooked half-way.
- In another pan, combine the chillies, onion, tomatoes, cumin & garlic powder and cook this in some beef tallow (or oil) until tender.
- When the sausages are done, slice them up. In the left-over fat, cook the spinach for a few mins and drain the liquid.

Combine the vegetables with the onion, and scoop it into an oven dish.
Mix in the sausage slices. Last, pour over the eggs and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes.

As an extra, for the last 10 minutes in the oven I added some cubes of sheep's cheese. If you are sensitive to cow's dairy, this could be worth a try, since sheep's dairy is easier to digest for most people. More info here.

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