Shrimp Macadamia Burgers

This recipe came to life because I had shredded cauliflower left-over, and figured I could create a recipe on the fly with it. Going through my freezer, I discovered a bag of shrimp, all I needed to get started!

You need: (makes 3 burgers)

150 grams of shrimp (peeled)
75 grams of cauliflower rice
1/4 cup of macadamias
2 eggs
3 tbsp coconut flour
salt to taste
chili powder

Defrost the shrimp, and grind them in a kitchen machine or one of these, and do the same with the macadamias. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients together and form 3-4 balls out of it.
In a frying pan, heat some coconut oil and from the balls into patties. Cook on both side until golden brown.

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