Gluten free Oat Protein Bars

As you can tell, lately I've been looking into more gluten free options, which aren't necessarily paleo.
One of those options are oats. Mark Sisson wrote an article about it, putting it in the "better than wheat, worse than rice" category.
The reason why I wanted to experiment with them, is simply because I'm still looking for a pre-wod food that will give me enough boost to make it through. Instead of simply buying something pre-made, I wanted to make my own oat protein bars. So here we go:

3 cups rolled oats
2 bananas
7 tbsp coconut milk
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp (pea)nutbutter
3 eggs
1 tsp cinnamon
3 scoops of whey protein (I used Nectar Sweets - Chocolate truffle)

Heat the oven to 180C (350F)
Get 2 bowls, one for the dry ingredients and one for the wet ingredients. Use a handmixer for the wet ingredients to make sure it's all mixed well, then pour it into the dry ingredients and mix again.
Next, pour the "batter" into a shallow baking dish (I used the lid of a lasagna dish)
Bake for about 15 mins. Let it cool, then cut into about 14 bars.

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