Sprouts 'n Shrimp

I truly love Brussels sprouts. Pretty sure that as a kid, I hated them, but they are really now one of my favorite veggies, only broccoli still has first place.
Back in the day there was pretty much 1 way they were prepared; cooked way too long, so they turned into mushy pale green blobs. A blob of cabbage, if you will.
My favorite way to prepare them is roasting them in the oven, but this time I wanted to combine some unusual elements: a wok-pan, sprout and shrimp. Let's see what happens.

500 grams of shrimp
300 grams of Brussels sprouts
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
paprika powder
chili powder
coconut oil

If you have frozen sprouts, defrost them first and cut them in half. In case of fresh ones, cook them until medium tender and also cut in halves.

In the oil, cook the onion and garlic until tender. Mix in the spices.
Add the shrimp and let it cook for another 10-12 mins. Last, add in the sprouts and cook again for about 10 mins, stirring every now and then.

Serve with some sweet potato fries and a salad.

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