19 Days of Whole30: Day 8

Day 8, and today I thought it would be nice to look back on the first Whole30 we did in the beginning of this year and compare the experiences. This was my post on day 8 in January, and from memory, I have to admit it was a lot harder then, most of the struggles came from sugar cravings (and the fact that it was friggin' cold)
It helps a lot to reduce your fruit intake if you have issues with that, since the desire for sweet has pretty much vanished now. Try it, it works.

The day got started with an egg scramble with spinach, roast beef & jalapeƱo. Left-over scrambles are my favorite morning meals. Added avocado on the side, but still felt like I hadn't eaten enough, so had half of a banana mud "cake" that was still in the fridge.


Before my workout I had a boiled egg and some coconut chips (not the whole bag)

Didn't have the fruit leather in the end, might save that for tomorrow.
After a kick ass wod, had my usual egg white shake with water.

Last meal was a delight of tuna and salmon, accompanied by steamed broccoli and eggplant & carrot from the oven.

Had a bit of my homemade mayo on the side ;-)

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