19 Days of Whole30: Day 7

Since I made a little stash of pumpkin pancakes Sunday, we had enough left-over to have this morning. It was good timing, since Tuesdays are early WOD days as well, and this is perfect to have some fuel in my belly, but not feeling too full.
Spread a bit of almond butter on top and had a bit of avocado on the side.

Post-wod I had my eggwhite "delight" with almond milk this time, no need to elaborate on that one.
When I got to work, I had a small can of tuna.

Next meal was quite simple; 2 hamburgers and the bean mix made on Sunday as well.

After I got home, I was a bit hungry, so had a few almonds and some coconut chips.

Last meal was an awesome green curry! It was so good, it deserved it's own recipe post.

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