19 Days of Whole30: Day 6

Our long holiday is coming closer and closer, and that was emphasized even more this morning when we had to get our injections for Indonesia. In order to get there early, I made pumpkin pancakes the day before so we could have an easy quick breakfast and be on our way. Topped with some almond butter and I had about 1/4 avocado with it as well.
The are easy to make:

1 cup of pumpkin puree
6 eggs
3-4 tbsp coconut flour
1 tsp pumpkin spice

Mix it all well and cook like pancakes in coconut oil.

Got hungry around noon, so had meal 2; hamburger, steamed broccoli and sweet potato.

Try Quest Protein Bars!

Got a little bit hungry again in the afternoon, so had some coconut chips (these are a lifesaver!) and a boiled egg.

Last meal of the day was meatballs in a zesty tomato sauce, served over steamed green beans and a rocket side salad.

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