19 Days of Whole30: Day 5

After yesterday's slip-up, it was the main focus of today to go back onto whole30 in full swing.
So we started our day with an awesome (& bacon-free) meal:

Poached eggs, merguez sausages, avocado, tomato & orange.

Then a nice Sunday wod with some heavy lifting :-)
Afterwards my "wonderful" shake (eggwhite protein & coconut water)

Meal 2 was a nice cold salad-bar style meal;
salad, cold cuts, sweet potato & chicken.
Forgot to take a picture right away, oops.
Also made some olive oil mayo, super easy to make and waaay better that mayo with sunflower oil.

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Put 2 egg yolks in a bowl, and whisk them a bit until mixed. Pour 1 cup of light olive oil into a measuring cup, that is also easy for pouring. Do not use EVOO
I used my grandma's electric hand mixer, and while mixing the yolks on medium speed, I slowly poured a thin stream of oil into the bowl, right where the blades are spinning. The yolk will start to thicken in a few mins. Keep mixing until the oil is finished.

Add in salt, pepper and lime juice to taste.

Even though the weather here has be anything but BBQ weather, it sure didn't bring us down! For the first time this year the grill was fired up again on the balcony to cook up some porkchops marinated (for 2 days) in vinegar, mustard & oil.

As sides: zucchini and yellow peppers, and in the wok broad beans, carrot and red onion. What a feast!

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