19 Days of Whole30: Day 4

"Social Engagements" 

Today we went to see friends for lunch at home whom just had a baby, and it was one of those situations where you realize that it might be a challenge to stay on track. Luckily they knew about paleo already and made preparations accordingly, so it was rather easy to keep it whole30 compliant. Before we left, we had a small breakfast to get started; pumpkin pancakes with almond butter.

Pumpkin pancake

Lunch was eggs, fruit and bacon (yes, I know)

However, to celebrate the birth, a bottle of cava was opened, and we both decided to let it go and have a few glasses.
Not ok with Whole30, I know, so technically this day doesn't count. You can beat yourself up about it, or move on. Let's move on.

So tomorrow we're back on the horse again!

Last meal was 2 hamburgers, steamed broccoli, left-over sweet potato and a salad.

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