19 Days of Whole30: Day 3

 Day 3 has arrived quickly, and started early today with a spinach & tomato scramble. Some avocado on the side, then followed by coconut cream, left-over watermelon & orange. Sprinkled some pumpkin spice granola on top, done!
Our fruit supply is finally drying up and we intend not to buy fruits for now. Have blueberries and raspberries in the freezer if needed, but will for sure take it easy on the fruits for a while.
Eating a lot of fruit can trigger the sugar dragon in many of us (guilty!) If you tend to have a sweet tooth, it might be an idea to avoid them for a while.

The salmon burgers from last night were on our minds all day, so when it was time for meal 2 we couldn't wait to get our hands dirty!

Salmon burger in a lettuce leaf, topped with sunflower paste & sambal = heaven.

Avocado & tomato on the side for good measures.

Cheapest organic source: Lidl

Did some shopping, and replenished the egg stash, strangely enough I've never really kept track of how many eggs we eat a week, but I'm sure we could easily get to 40 :-)

We eat our protein about 90% organic, unfortunately like in most places, organic means pricey but it's worth it!
(by the way, yes we keep our eggs outside the fridge)

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Pre-wod I had a boiled egg and some coconut chips, post-wod I downed the egg white protein with some coconut water. I really don't like coconut water, but I guess I will have to work on our relationship...

Last meal of the day was an all-out: Sweet potato with onion baked in the oven, round zucchini stuffed with the left-over sauce from the shakshuka and chicken topped with a jalapeño-black olive tapenade:

2 tbsp sliced jalapeños
2 tbsp sliced black olives
3 cloves of garlic
1 onion

First, cook the onion and garlic until tender, then mix in the jalapeños and olives.
Puree it all with an electric hand blender and spread on top of the chicken.

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