like this. This time around it just seems a bit harder, but we feel that it's mainly because we are REALLY in need of a holiday, the weather has been crap since the beginning of time (or so it feels)
It's May 21, and as of right now, it has been raining non-stop for about the last 24 hours. Temperatures are nowhere near what they should be, fascinating how weather can impact your life and mood. I'm over it.
Today got started with leftover scramble from yesterday and 1/2 a banana.
I had a wod in the morning and it went very well, enough energy :-)
Post-wod the eggwhite shake with almond milk and when I got to work, a boiled egg.
Got hungry around noon and had broccoli, meats, boiled egg and a small salad.
Didn't eat until I got home, but wasn't hungry until then, so before dinner I had a few pieces of chorizo and a few black olives.
Dinner was beef and a stir-fry of bell peppers and spinach. Of course a side salad to complete the meal!

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