19 Days of Whole30: Day 10

Past the halfway mark! Ok, if I would be doing a full Whole30, 1/3rd of the way, but you get the point.
The fact that there was bacon again in the fridge was too tempting, and afte quite a stretch of no bacon, we felt we could get away with it this morning. Turned out to be a real treat this morning of the following cook-out; eggs, bacon, mushrooms, sliced apple and avocado.

For some reason I felt more hungry again today, so around noon I felt I could eat a small child. Luckily, I was prepared.

A veal burger & sarrano ham, steamed broccoli, left-over grilled veggies (from day 8) and I treated myself to a salad with tomato, cucumber & egg from the work cafeteria.

Still, I think I could have eaten more.

Pre-wod, I had a boiled egg, coconut chips and a banana.
Post-wod the shake mixed with water.

For dinner I made left-over veggies with 2 beef sausages and salad.

Afterwards, I had a few tbsp of regular cogurt and a few raisins and pumpkin spice granola.
I ate a lot today, a bit weird.

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