19 Days of Whole30: Day 1

You might ask, why only 19 days? Well, it's simply a time thing. The last few weeks have been a lot about celebrations, and even though social events and such should never stand in the way of starting your whole30, it was simply more a choice of convenience.
We are fortunate enough to be looking forward to a long summer holiday, starting on May 27 to Barcelona, followed by a 4 week trip to Bali.
Of course even with the best intentions it will be a challenge to eat as clean as possible on a holiday, so having a bit of a reset beforehand will not hurt.

This time I've decided to set a few standards in addition to the Whole30 "rules":
  • no bacon (the only Whole30 approved kind can be bought here)
  • limit fruit as much as possible
  • 2 liters of water a day minimum
One "rule" I will break is the protein supplement ban. Protein supplements in any form are not allowed on Whole30, but I personally found it quite hard to provide for a lean protein meal right after a wod that wouldn't upset my stomach.
So I chose Jay Robb's egg white protein (unflavored)
Extra non-compliant factor is that this protein contains soy lecithin. Such a shame, since except the soy, it's actually a very "clean" brand. 
To limit my intake as much as possible, I will only take it on training days, post-wod. Will have to experiment a bit with adding a flavor to it. Looks like I'll have about 10-11 servings in the next 19 days.

Meal 1 of the day started with a scramble of eggs, tomato  & spinach and a side of sliced apple and avocado. Sprinkled some coconut flakes on top.

Meal 2 is a new favorite in our house, the grilled beef tagliata, with a boiled egg, tomato, cucumber & salad.

Pre-wod, I had a boiled egg and coconut flakes.

Post-wod, a scoop of egg white protein with a tsp of cocoa powder, bit of coconut flour and cinnamon mixed with water. Yikes. That was bad. Really bad.
At home I made another attempt and mixed it with some coconut water, which was a little better. But still. Yikes.

Did however, contact Jay Robb to ask about the amount of soy lecithin in the product and why it was in there, and this was their quick response:

Makes sense to me, and even though soy lecithin is not whole30 compliant,
personally, it doesn't worry me. I just need to find a way to make it more edible...

Last meal of the day was some white fish and a big stir fry: onion, carrot, leek, komatsuna, zucchini, broccoli & kohlrabi. Cooked in coconut oil and added ginger powder, chilies & coconut aminos to add some extra flavor. Delicious!

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