jet-lag as well :-) We'll see how it goes again tonight.
Another positive thing is that the sun is finally shining more here in The Netherlands, in some countries I know it stays cold for much longer, but normally temps should already be well into the double digits here and for some reason spring just hasn't been able to kick in.
It makes all the difference if you can enjoy some sunshine during the day!
First meal was the usual, this time 4 eggs scrambled with some chives, paprika & ginger powder.
As a side 4 strips of bacon, a bit of pear, 1/2 avocado & a few macadamias.
What I like about Sundays, is the meal prepping for the week. So far I haven't planned the meals like we normally do for the whole week, perhaps it's because I'm home alone and don't think it's important enough.
To help myself a little on my way, I decided to make a casserole which will provide enough meals for most of the week, either for lunch or dinner.
It takes a bit of time, but will save you lots of time when you are in a hurry or simply don't feel like cooking every night.
2 onions, chopped
3 cloves of garlic
4 carrots, sliced and cut in halves
1 whole broccoli, chopped
1 can of peeled tomatoes
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp paprika powder
2 tsp ground cumin
Keep separate: 1 butternut squash, 5 eggs
Fry the onion & garlic in a bit of coconut oil or, in my case, some Wagyu beef fat. Add the spices and mix well. Next add in the beef and let it cook until brown. Last, add in the veggies and tomatoes. Let it simmer for a few mins. Pre-heat the oven to 180C (350F)
Cut the butternut squash in half, and peel it with a peeler. Scoop a layer of the meat mix in an oven-dish.
Slice thin strips of butternut squash and layer this on top the meat mix. Alternate this until the dish is full. Whisk the 5 eggs, and pour the egg equally out over the casserole.
Bake in the oven for about 30 mins.
Serve with a salad or with an extra side of steamed veggies.
This will be great to bring
for lunch too!

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