One particular thing I was hoping would clear up through the help of whole30, is a type of eczema or rash on my scalp, mostly in the hairline. A bit embarrassing actually, since the skin is a bit flaky and it just doesn't look good. Anyway, secretly I hoped it would disappear, but this is the only thing that hasn't really changed at all.
Of course this can be related to other things than food; stress is one of them, but I'm still not quite finished with the search of a food related cause.
Last year, I visited a naturopath, did some blood-work, and it was concluded I needed to fix a few things; I was low on B, D, iron (not surprisingly, I was still a vegetarian then) The scalp issue was also addressed, and I was "ordered" to skip eggs for 3 weeks. That was tough, I love eggs, but unfortunately (or not ;-)) that didn't make a difference.
Also being 100% grain- & dairy-free hasn't helped so far. The blood-work got better, and I'm sure my return to meat has helped this tremendously.
So somehow, I'm back to the eggs thing. Will introduce a few egg-free days this week, just to also give my system a bit of a break. Even too much of a good thing can be too much sometimes.
We started this morning with 2 different meals, I had bacon & eggs cooked together, with a side of green: kiwi, green olives & cucumber. Added a 2 tbsp of applesauce & a few Brazil nuts & macadamias. My better half made a small scramble with 2 eggs, tomato and some sliced meats.
Next up was 1,5 tuna-bacon burger with some steamed veggies & half an avocado.
Before my workout I had the other half of the avocado, a boiled egg and a banana.
Crushed it, even managed to do it rx'd!
Dinner was beef-lamb sausages, green beans and a salad.
I made a small "dessert" style pudding:
1/2 can of coconut milk
2 sheets of gelatin
150 grams of raspberries
Put the sheets in some water for about 5 mins. Meanwhile warm up the coconut milk, but do not boil. Add the gelatin and raspberries, and mix well with a hand mixer.
Let it set in the fridge (I did overnight) Served it with some blueberries, raspberries & coconut chips. Not too sweet, quite tart actually!

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