It's perhaps even a bit of post-Whole30 depression; it's completed, I reintroduced things, felt like crap and now miss the feeling I had while I was on the Whole30.
But also feel like Meryl Streep in "Sophie's Choice"; Take the chocolate! Take the whey protein! No, wait, just do a whole7 first! No, a whole5!

Anyway, I am wondering if I'm alone, of if there are more post-Whole30 traumas going on that I'm not aware of, but would love to hear about. Maybe we can talk about it. Over chocolate.

So today was just another day, whole30 style (kind of) Since I made those rolls the other day, I thought this would be a ok-ish pre-workout thing, I cut it in half and spread one side with almond butter and topped the other half with an egg scramble. Good times.
After the wod (see? even the wod had rolls in it :-)) I had a small can of tuna and a boiled egg at work.
Next meal was a bit late, at 1.30 pm, and was pretty the much the same as yesterday, 3 merguez sausages, vegetable medley, sweet potato & broccoli.
Towards the end of the day I had some walnuts and almonds.
Upon coming home I prepped some steak for the next few days to take to work and steamed carrots, sweet potato & parsnip.
Still had some komatsuna laying around in the fridge, so experimented a bit with the following:
Sweet-Ginger Komatsuna
1 inch of ginger, chopped
1 red onion, chopped
1 komatsuna, chopped
2 tbsp raisins
2 tbsp cashews
First, cook the ginger and onion in ghee until the onion is brown. Then add the komatsuna and turmeric, keep tossing it around until the komatsuna is tender. Last, add the raisins and cashews for another 3 mins. Served with a burger & the steamed veggies.
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