The Pavlov effect is a very well known example of classical conditioning, and although I am by no means an expert, I do think this type of conditioning can apply in many shapes in our lives. One of the trickiest perhaps, is time. There have been plenty of moments in my life when I've looked at my watch and thought: "oh, it's 4pm, time for a snack". Was I really hungry? No, but that fact that it was 4pm, made me think I was.
That type of stuff and the "reward" moments are probably some habits to break. And with reward moment I mean for example the "dessert after dinner", "had a rough day, so I need a treat", etc. Maybe not classical conditioning according to science, but it sure does look like it.
Another pitfall could be the "replace a habit with a new habit". That could happen for example when trying to find a cereal replacement, bread replacement, etc.
On the Whole30 forum, some people suggest to look at breakfast, lunch & dinner more as meal 1, 2 & 3. This definitely puts it in a different perspective when deciding what to eat.
Today, breakfast (meal 1 ;-)) was 4 eggs, bacon, broccoli & 1/2 an apple sprinkled with cinnamon.
Lunch (meal 2) was steamed broccoli, salad, some left-over sunshine sauce & cold cuts.
Pre-WOD, few nuts, boiled egg & cold cuts.
Post WOD, a banana and a blueberry muffin with a bit of almond butter.
Dinner, a stir fry of all the veggie left-overs in the fridge, served with beef sausages and a few cashews.
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