I'm reading it with mixed feelings, because 1 part of me REALLY wants that piece of dark chocolate next week, but then another part of me finds it really hard to part from this new way of eating, the feeling of accomplishment it has given me. So, why stop?
I decided not to. Maybe not on the full 100% whole30 compliance, but this is definitely the way I choose to eat from now on. Going to paleo a year ago was step 1, but this was the little encore that I needed!
Today another favorite meal with eggs, bacon, sweet potato hash browns (still need some work) avocado and a small scoop of apple sauce. Few Brazil nuts for the selenium kick :-)
Next meal was a salmon burger, broccoli, green beans, some purple carrot, tomato & cauliflower. I added some coconut oil as an extra.
Pre-workout (how do you spell this??) I had a banana, boiled egg and walnuts.
Dinner was merguez sausages and a Brussel sprouts dish, recipe found here. I left the chorizo out though.
The sausages were from a great Turkish market here in Amsterdam and made according to their own house recipe, delicious!
A salad and some of the red cabbage on the side turned it into an awesome meal, will make this again for sure!
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