Whole30: Day 23

"Novelty is wearing off"

For some reason, the last few days have been less "euphoric", I guess this is the time where you have gone through all the changes, have implemented a seamless new food plan, it becomes routine and that's it. We are now talking more about what to re-introduce, and I've been thinking more about chocolate in the last 3 days than I have in all the days before that. Turns out, we're not alone, in the forum several posts are popping up, especially since a lot of people are on their last few days. The oomph has left my workouts too a bit, but this can have many reasons. Strangely, the timeline doesn't mention this, actually I should be a bouncy Tigger right now! So, what is happening? 

Today I had a 7.30 am workout, so I had a small meal; 1/2 an avocado, banana and some brazil nuts and macadamias. Gosh, I LOVE macadamias! This could potentially become a food I might overeat if I don't watch it.

After the workout upon arriving to work, I had a boiled egg and a small bag of biltong, to make sure I had my portion of lean protein. Funny part is that biltong is South African, but the recipe for dried meats was brought to SA by Dutchies :-)

Next big meal was a variety of veggies; purple carrot, red pepper, green beans & cauliflower with crayfish. Also had a few seedless grapes, and the fat-source was about a tbsp of mayo.

Coming home I was a bit hungry, so had about 6 macadamias (danger!) and some sliced meat.

Last meal of the day were salmon burgers, which I made from scratch, nutty red cabbage and steamed broccoli. And salad on the side of course.

Base recipe for the salmon burgers can be found here, I doubled it this time and made 6 burgers out of it. The red cabbage recipe is simple:

1 small head of red cabbage
2 small onions
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup almonds
1 tbsp applesauce
1 tbsp sesame seeds
salt & pepper
sesame oil

Chop the onion and cook in oil until brown. Meanwhile, shred the cabbage and add to the onion, together with the AC vinegar. Let simmer on medium with a lid on for about 20 mins. Last, add the rest of the ingredients and let it warm for another 5 mins.

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