actually really enjoying it!
Lunch was the same as yesterday, except I added some shredded coconut & coconut oil on top of the burgers.
Kept me full all day, at the end I had 3 whole walnuts, not because I was hungry, but because I just wanted to crack them :-)
Dinner was an experiment to make a nice cauliflower mash, which is actually very easy to make:
1 cauliflower
4 tsp ghee
chili flakes
ginger powder
garlic powder
chives (fresh or freeze dried)
Steam the cauliflower, when it's tender, add all the ingredients to taste and mash it (or be lazy like me and use a hand-mixer) until smooth. The ghee will give it a delicious buttery touch. Served with bacon bits, red bell peppers, lamb sausages and salad, this was truly a fantastic meal.
As a perfect finishing touch to the day, I got re-tweeted by Julie Foucher. I know, I'm a total crossfit geek. I don't care.

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