The outcome was absolutely delicious! One warning; it is a bit time consuming, so make sure you have some time available before embarking on the ketchup adventure, say about 1,5 hours.
The ingredients list was the longest I've handled in a while! Ready?
olive oil
4 onions, chopped
1 tsp salt
2 tsp fennel seeds
2 tsp coriander seeds
4 cloves
1 tbsp dried basil
about a 3cm piece of fresh ginger, chopped
4 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 chili pepper, chopped
1 kg of fresh tomatoes
500ml of tomato puree
3/4 cup of coconut vinegar
3 tbsp erythritol
1 tbsp coconut nectar *
* Why coconut nectar? Well, the original recipe called for brown sugar, so to create the same caramel taste, coconut nectar is a great replacement. It does contain carbs, but has a relatively low GI index of 35-40.
In a large pan, cook the onion in olive oil for about 15 mins. until brown.
Put the fennel seeds, coriander seeds & cloves in a mortar and grind well. Add to the onion, together with the ginger, garlic, basil, salt & chili pepper. Cook for a few mins.
Cut the tomatoes in quarters, and add to the pan, also add the tomato puree, vinegar, erythritol, coconut nectar. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat again and let it simmer for about 40 mins.

Next, you puree the mixture, I used an electric hand-mixer, but you could also use a blender for example.
Sterilize some glass bottles or jars, either in boiling water or the oven.
Pour the mixture in a sieve and push it through, the result should be a shiny, smooth sauce. Transfer the sauce into the bottles with a funnel. Let it cool and keep refrigerated.
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