Gouda Alfredo

All of a sudden, it was there, in my head; the word Alfredo. That is strange, since I can't remember anyone named like that, nor can I remember if I had even eaten an Alfredo dish before. Probably never.
Anyway, it was there in my mind and it had to be done. Right that evening.
As it would turn out, Alfredo and I now have a little love affair going on. It is surprisingly simple to make, and   
absolutely delicious. The real Alfredo would probably frown upon my adaptation of it, but you really want to try this.

6 tbsp butter (or 85 grams)
2/3 cup heavy cream (for Dutchies: vloeibare slagroom)
1 cup Gouda cheese, shredded (not smoked, smoked Gouda, are you kidding me??)
1/2 tsp salt
garlic powder

In a pan (the one I used in this recipe, best € 16 ever spent) slowly melt the butter, but don't let it get too hot. When it starts to bubble, take it off the heat. Add the remaining ingredients, lower the heat if needed, put it back on and start stirring like there is no tomorrow. The cheese should melt, but  never solidify. If that happens, the temperature is still too high.

OXO Good Grip
For this particular dish, I decided to serve it with salmon on zucchini noodles. The salmon I cooked in coconut oil for about 4 min on each side. 
For the zucchini noodles; heat a pan with water, add a bit of salt. Meanwhile slice the noodles. I have this incredible tool for it (just watch your fingers)

Instagram it!

And again!

The result? For a first attempt, I was very impressed and this dish immediately made it into the favorites category in our household.
Note: I am picky how I serve my sauce, but of course you can mix it into the zucchini. 

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