My ice cream making attempts so far have been quite ok, only the for the part that the creaminess of the usual ice cream is missing (let's face it, i'm not a professional)
It is definitely not missing with this, SO Delicious has the creamy texture you'd expect from ice cream, same as taste. So as a replacement for regular ice cream, i highly recommend it.
Now, on to the ingredients (the tricky part)

I purchased a bottle a while ago, also believing this stuff was better than say, honey, but after reading a few articles here and there, i realized i was just kidding myself. Heck, i even made ice cream with it myself.
Everybody has of course the right to their own opinion, but mine would be: stay away from the stuff.
But, does that make SO Delicious ice cream bad? No, but is doesn't make it healthier either.
When it comes to carb-count, it actually has more carbs than a regular serving of ice cream and 3 grams less sugar in total.
So, what is my verdict? (for what it's worth)
Treat it as an occasionally treat/cheat, and beware of products that highly advertise the features you are looking for (called marketing) so you might miss the parts that turn out to be the things you wanted to avoid in the first place.
In the meantime, i'll continue perfecting my own ice cream recipe, tips are welcome!
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