Oopsie Rolls, attempt 1

Not to brag, but usually when i try a new recipe, it works out pretty well right at the first time. So rather confident i started on my oopsie roll mission. The ingredient list is so short, this can't go wrong, right? 

3 eggs, separated
3 oz. cream cheese
pinch cream of tartar
packet of Stevia (i should have know better, blegh)
pinch of salt

First, you start with whipping the cr** out of the egg whites & cream of tartar, until it forms soft, fluffy peaks.
Next, in a separate bowl mix the cream cheese, egg yolks, salt & Stevia together till a bit foamy.
There was a lot of debate online on how to combine the 2 mixes, this time i went for the 1/4 egg white mix first into the egg yolk mix option. Then fold the rest of the yolk mix into the egg whites (follow?)
Either way, it should still be a somewhat fluffy mixture.
Place a cookie sheet/piece of baking paper on an oven tray and put the mixture on into 6 blobs/scoops.
Bake in a pre-heated oven at  300F (150 Celsius) for about 30 mins.

Now, the result should be a light crumbly pastry type of thing, at least the pictures i've seen looked pretty good. Mine however, came out rather flat:

That wasn't the bad part, the real mistake was to add Stevia. Apparently, i just don't learn from my mistakes.
Will make them for sure again though!

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