I'm a Paleotarian/Ketorian

In my 14+ years of being a vegetarian, i had to excuse myself numerous times for the way i ate, not to mention explain why. Most common question was; is it an animal rights thing? 
"No", i'd say, "i just don't like meat, but i do eat fish"
That answer was usually sufficient, but it always felt like i had to defend myself for the food choices i made, or feel guilty for being "difficult", especially when i was coming over for dinner for the first time. 
In a nutshell, when you simply choose to eat different, people seem to have more trouble accepting it. Maybe i should have just said; "eating meat will give me hives, a rash, i'll simply die or whatever medical reason you can come up with. Because if you choose to eat different, you obviously choose to make other peoples lives difficult. How selfish.
So when i jumped off the vegetarian train and went Paleo, i was relieved to never excuse myself anymore for not eating the meat and getting into discussions about animal rights, leather belts, the difference between vegans & vegetarians, that chicken did count as meat, etc.
How wrong was i??
Vegetarianism has become a more accepted eating style everywhere, most restaurant offer some sort of option for vegetarians, and even vegans can get a decent meal in most places.
But telling people that you stopped eating grains, rice, potatoes?? The first questions you get are if you are gluten intolerant or on the Atkins diet.
No, you say, "people just aren't built to eat these things" Trying to explain this, is like trying to tell a communist capitalism really is the way to go. It just won't work. Some of the responses:

"But, bread is really good for you, it has a lot of fiber and vitamins"
"I could NEVER live without pasta"
"How do you get your fiber??"
"So, what do you eat then, just salad??"
"Potatoes are really good for you, especially the starches"
"your body needs the sugars"
"you should really watch your cholesterol levels"

Anyway, i could go on and on. Sigh. Making this choice has actually increased the difficulty of eating, since most people in your surroundings grew up learning that saturated fat is bad for you, eating eggs will raise your cholesterol, eating wholegrain bread is good for your fiber intake and a low-fat/high carb diet is ideal to lose weight or be healthy in general. 
Yet, people are getting fatter, more sick, have tons of allergies, the list is endless.

Since i started eating this way, I've never felt better, have more energy and my blood results were fantastic. I have gained more lean muscle, am stronger and have more definition.
Funny enough, the medical excuses i came up with earlier, actually do apply this time...
Yet it is really complicated explaining this diet style to others, and even though it shouldn't matter what other people say, it would be extremely nice not having to explain/defend yourself all the time [end rant]

Would you like to know more about this stuff? 
Ketogenic Diet
Paleo Diet
Primal Diet

Or get these books:

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