Awesome Keto Flax Muffin

Thursdays always start early for me, with a WOD at 7.30 am. From experience I know I can't train on an empty stomach, but also know it's a bad idea to do heavy deadlifts right after a fried eggs & bacon breakfast. So what is simple, quick and not too filling? Today I found something that does the trick!

1/4 cup flaxmeal
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 egg
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 or 2 tsp erythritol (or sweetener of choice)
1 tsp coconut oil

Mix all of it together in a bowl, mug, 
or anything that works for you. Zap on high in 
the microwave for about 1,5 min. Cut in half, I put some almond butter on mine, and with a cup of coffee, I was ready to go!

Nutritional facts:
Carbs: 4g
Protein: 9g
Fats: 14g

Of course you can also make your own flaxmeal by grinding whole flax seeds in a coffee-grinder.


  1. 4g for both slices, or just one?

  2. It's for both (2g per slice), i sliced the muffin in half. Mind you that they are fiber carbs, so basically "don't count"
