Google+ Cave Food Kitchen: Creamy Almond Proteinshake

Creamy Almond Proteinshake

Sometimes, certain things are so easy to make and taste so great, you'd think there's a catch somewehere.
Not to worry, this proteinshake recipe was a try-out, is simple and tastes fantastic!

What you need
1 cup almond milk
1/2 cup cocomilk
1 scoop of whey protein
2 tsp palm sugar

Mix it all in a blender, done.


  1. Whey protein powder is not paleo, for a couple of reasons, but what's most interesting to me is that you opted for a non-dairy milk... but then add whey to it.

  2. To Elizabeth, i know the combo of whey and non-dairy milk is weird, but i tried to keep it as low-carb as possible. Also tried it with hemp protein powder, but that is like drinking liquefied dirt.

  3. Hi Sabine- Where do you buy this Coco Milk?

    1. Hi! I get it at this shop:
