Paleo high in the Sky

It has been a while since I last posted, returned from the USA a few days ago and 
quite happy to be back to Paleo ;-)
I decided not to make things too complicated while away, ate out a lot, and probably managed to keep things paleo for about 50%.
Have once and for all concluded too that planefood is crap. Basically, it's a TV dinner eaten at 10K altitude.
If you opt for a standard meal, chances are pretty great you'll end up with a meal like this, containing a ton of all sorts of wheat products.
Since i'm still a (fish eating) vegetarian, I opted for the VLML (no meat, dairy & eggs allowed) Big mistake.
Most of the meals I got consisted out of spinach, potato & chickpeas. Of course accompanied by a breadroll, margarine made from canola oil & crackers. Luckily I had a small bar of dark chocolate with me, that made things a bit more bearable.
So I started to wonder, what is the best choice? You could chance it and hope for the best, or order a special meal beforehand. Below are IATA's official special meals:

HFML - High Fibre Meal
LPML - Low Protein Meal
ORML - Oriental Meal
 PRML - Low Purin Meal
VJML - Vegetarian Jain Meal
VOML - Vegetarian Oriental Meal
AVML - Asian Vegetarian Meal
BBML - Baby Meal
BLML - Bland Meal
FPML - Fruit Platter Meal
GFML - Gluten Intolerant Meal
LFML - Low Fat Meal
LSML - Low Salt Meal
NLML - Low Lactose Meal
RVML - Vegetarian Raw Meal
VVML - Vegetarian Vegan Meal
VLML - Vegetarian Lacto-ovo Meal
KSML - Kosher Meal
CHML - Children Meal
MOML - Moslem Meal
SFML - Seafood Meal
HNML - Hindu Meal
PFML - Peanut Free Meal
JNML - Jain Meal

With most of the meals you'll basically risk getting either pasta or rice, most likely the GFML seems a logic choice, but you might end up again with rice, potato or corn pasta.
In case you were wondering, Jain Meals are primarily foods from plant sources, as well as limited dairy products. A person who orders a Jain Meal refrains from eating any root vegetables such as carrots and potatoes. They also exclude most foods derived from animals including fish and eggs from their diet (guess that's a no-go then)
Turned out, the LFML of my travel partner looked WAY more appealing than my meals, so even though it's low-fat, it still had better quality and variety.
Would be interested in other people's experiences, suggestions and tips!

(Interested in other airline meal experiences? Check

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