To Dairy or not to Dairy, that is the question

Ok, it’s day 8 now and I slipped up. But just a little. Not having touched any dairy for 8 days felt like it needed a reward, being…..dairy.
I ended up having a cappuccino with full-fat milk and a bit of Stevia. In the end I decided you can do Paleo 2 ways; 1 being totally strict and making life a lot less easy & relaxed, or 2, allowing yourself things every now and then and not worrying about it.
Most times with any diet, people take the all or nothing approach, which usually ends up in failure. It becomes too strenuous, forced and unnatural. I used to live like that too, and ended up with disappointments and injuries.

Honestly, after 8 days, I don’t miss bread at all, but probably dairy will become a more difficult issue. Most likely cheese will end up on my “allowed every now and then” list as well.

So like in my previous post, I’m wondering what other paleo dieters have allowed (or maybe not at all) themselves?


  1. I've been on the paleo diet since October 31st, but still keep dairy in my diet. I like my coffee creamy, I like my hot cocoa and I like cheese in my salads. I figure as long as I'm not going overboard on it, I'll be fine. I also hold to having one day where I relax and treat myself. That day is Saturday and I'll have anything I want...within reason. The next day I'm back to my regular eating patterns with all the bad things cut out. I figure I need that one break from it or I'll fall off the wagon completely.

    It sounds like you are doing just fine. Have your cappuccino or cheese every now and then. As long as you stick to the major guide lines, you'll be fine. :)

  2. Ah, we both haven't been on it for that long then! I know you should be able to allow yourself stuff within reason. Next i'll try coconut milk cappuccino, see if that's any good :-)
    Do you notice you feel worse after eating something non-paleo?

  3. I definitely feel worse, but only if I go overboard.

    On my last Saturday I had a lot of things that were way off the the paleo diet and I paid for it with stomach issues. I used to have a lot of problems with heartburn and my stomach when I was eating bread and grains, all those issues disappeared within a week of starting paleo. I had a touch of heartburn on that Saturday evening, but nothing near as bad as what I was used to.

    Dairy products don't bother me at all if I'm having them through the week, but I know if I have toast or pasta or granola, I'll be tormented by heartburn for the rest of the day.

    I may have to try the coconut milk thing myself...actually sounds good. :)

  4. Will give the coconutmilk a go this weekend, i'll post the result ;-)
    Not sure yet if i can feel a difference yet, i do feel more energetic, but i also think it might be too soon to tell after 9 days.
