Breakfast Muffins


10 eggs
1 chopped onion
2 chopped big tomatoes
1 chopped chili
coconut oil
Parmesan cheese
1 can of tuna

muffin tin & muffin papers

Preheat oven to 350 degrees (170 celcius)

Fry up the onion, chili & tomatoes in a pan with coconut oil until done.
Whisk the eggs. Mix all in a bowl.
Fill up the muffin cups half way, add a layer of tuna and fill it up completely.
Sprinkle some Parmesan on top.
Bake in the oven for about 20 mins.
Let the muffins cool for about 5 mins before removing from the muffin tin.


  1. Now that's not the type of muffin I was expecting. I'm intrigued though...

  2. Must say i was intrigued too! They already smelled amazing while baking, this morning they were awesome! Zapped them for 1 min. in the microwave.
